Career Recruitment Site




We have a total of 14,484 active employees
(Astellas group total).

Total sales revenue

1,249.5billion yen (For the year ended March 2023)

Revenue ratio to sales

(For the year ended March 2023)

R&D Expense to Revenue Ratio

We invest 18% of sales revenue development costs in R&D. We aim to achieve sustainable growth by creating novel innovative drugs.(For the year ended March 2023)

R&D Expenses

R&D expenses totaled
224.5 billion yen(For the year ended March 2023)

Major pipeline(number of programs)

Rx:Prescription drug
Rx+®:Innovative healthcare solutions that build
         upon Astellas’ strengths in prescription drugs (end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Get informed about the working environment

Average age

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Average length of service

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Overtime work hours per month

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Percentage of paid leave taken

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Percentage of holidays and leave taken for childcare or nursing care

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)

Employees who run a sideline business

(end of FY2023; only for Astellas Pharma Inc.)