Career Recruitment Site

Environment Career Formation

Astellas’ Talent management and HR Vision’s
talent expectations

Talent management
  • Development

    World-class people and organization

    Create an organization consisting of first-class professionals who are capable of continuing to win competitions around the world.

  • Attract

    Promotion of diversity and optimum use of human resources

    Make optimum use of talent based on capability and enthusiasm regardless of general attributes and situations

  • Retain

    Challenge and evolve towards higher goals

    Recognize people who continue to challenge and evolve constantly, and provide evaluation and remuneration accordingly.

HR VISION’s talent expectations

Career Development Support at Astellas

At Astellas, we work to improve our expertise and competencies based on self-responsibility, and together with the appropriate support from managers and the company, we aim to make the workplace and our work itself be the best place for growth.
The following is a summary of Astellas’ career development support, including our “Internal Recruitment” and “Internal Internship Program”.

Internal Recruitment

By increasing free job selection, we support employees who want to grow with Astellas to realize their dreams.
“Internal Recruitment” is a common global system that enables employees to take on challenges. Employees can apply at any time, and if the needs of the recruiting department meet the needs of the applicant, they will be transferred to that department.

Internal Internship Program

“Internal Internship Program” is a career development program that provides opportunities for employees to take on challenges in new fields and to realize their personal aspirations. All employees are invited to participate in the program, enabling them to take on the challenge of “an experience that widens the possibilities of career development” while performing their regular duties.